Tech Cloud ERP provides top-tier Cloud-based HR Management Software in Hyderabad, India, seamlessly integrating HRM and IT processes. From recruitment to retirement, streamline your HR operations with our advanced ERP solutions.
Our expert team delivers top support, empowering your HR department with confidence
Tech Cloud ERP provides top-tier Cloud-based HR Management Software in Hyderabad, India, seamlessly integrating HRM and IT processes. From recruitment to retirement, streamline your HR operations with our advanced ERP solutions.
Top talent drives our company's success. Our recruitment component excels in managing positions, screening applicants, and optimizing selection processes.
Effective onboarding through Tech Cloud HRMS ensures engaged and high-performing employees, maximizing organizational success.
ESS module, enables the employee to maintain his/ her own profile that can then checks business updates needed from and by the employee.
Training and development in HRM enhance employee performance by boosting skills and knowledge through education and skill-building.
The international payroll management system helps the end-to-end global payroll information management process, crafted to provide a best tool for all payrolls.
Payroll management involves overseeing the process of calculating and distributing employee salaries, wages, bonuses, and deductions within an organization.
Our ERP HRM Module dynamic dashboard provides real-time visualizations of key HR metrics and data, enabling quick insights for informed decision-making.
Manage Events Easily create events and send invites to attendees. Cancel or modify at anytime. Public Holidays Plan for holidays throughout the year by simply selecting from a list of public holidays in your country.
Tech cloud Performance Management streamlines performance appraisals, replacing manual processes with an efficient evaluation cycle.
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